The enthusiasm for better trees never stops.

Lot cleaning is a service that involves the removal of unwanted vegetation, debris, trash, and any other unwanted materials from land, usually with the goal of preparing it for new use or maintaining it in suitable condition. It is important to carry out lot cleaning safely and responsibly, following local regulations and using appropriate equipment to minimize any negative environmental impact. Additionally, in some cases, it may be necessary to obtain permits or authorizations before carrying out lot cleaning, especially if these are protected or environmentally sensitive areas.

Weed control and fire prevention

Regular lot cleaning can help control weed growth and reduce the risk of fires, especially in areas prone to drought or with a high risk of wildfires.

Preparation for Development

Lot clearing is often the first step in the land development process. Preparing the lot by removing unwanted vegetation and debris allows for activities such as building construction, creating gardens or parks, or establishing recreational areas.